Things to do on Boxing Day with your family
Boxing Day is one of my favourite dates over the festive period. With the rush of Christmas Day over, it’s a lovely opportunity to relax with the family, enjoy the gifts you've received and spend time in the fresh air walking off the excesses of the day before!
In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some great things to do on Boxing Day with your family, with activities to suit relatives of all ages.

A winter walk and a pub lunch
Wrapping up in coats and scarves and heading out for a winter walk (whatever the weather) is a time-honoured Boxing Day tradition of ours. We like to stay local so nobody has to drive and end the walk at the local pub for mulled wine and soup by the fire. Simple, but perfect! Most pubs open on Boxing Day, but make sure you check opening times and book ahead.

Don't miss special discounts on blankets and scarves in The British Blanket Company's Boxing Day Sale
Shop the Boxing Day sales
Hitting the shops and retail parks in person is something I can’t face, but I will be spending a little time browsing the best sales on Boxing Day online. If you’re lucky enough to have received money as a Christmas gift, it can be a great way to treat yourself. Make sure you’re on our mailing list to be notified of any sales that may or may not be coming...

This recipe for Bubble and Squeak with Chestnuts is the perfect Boxing Day brunch
Cook tasty Christmas leftovers
This may be controversial, but for me the leftovers are even more delicious than Christmas dinner itself! What better way to spend Boxing Day than with a plate piled high with home-cooked ham, local cheeses and all the Christmas cake and mince pies there wasn’t room for the day before? To help with recipe ideas for Christmas leftovers I’ve put together a new Pinterest board to help you move beyond turkey curry, and use up everything from cranberry sauce to panettone.

Spend Boxing Day afternoon swapping craft skills
Have a crafternoon
I don’t know about you, but I always intend to complete lots of craft projects in the run-up to Christmas but seem to run out of time! Why not get the family together around the table and arrange a Boxing Day crafternoon instead? This could be a great opportunity for a cross-generational skill swap. Why not have a competition for the most creative craft idea using leftover gift wrap, boxes and packaging?

Ticket to Ride is a favourite Christmas board game in our family
Play family board games
Snap your Christmas visitors out of the Boxing Day slump with a board game everyone can enjoy. The choice of game will depend on the number of players and the range of ages, as well as your family’s tastes. These are the most popular board games in our family:
- Obama Llama 2
- Geistes Blitz
- Codenames
- Dixit
- Carcassonne
- Articulate
- Ticket to Ride
For more ideas, Chance and Counters (an amazing board game café here in Bristol) has the ultimate list of board games.

Just in case we have a white Christmas…
Snow doesn't need to settle on the ground to be a white Christmas. The Met Office defines the term as at least one snowflake falling on one of its observing stations during the 24 hours of December 25th. According to the bookies, Edinburgh, Leeds and Glasgow have best chance of a white Christmas in the UK this year at 3/1. If we are lucky enough to have a white Christmas, cancel everything! Your Boxing day plans are sorted with building a snowman, snowball fights and gallons of hot chocolate the order of the day.
The British Blanket Company’s Boxing Day Sale is going to be amazing with deals on blankets, throws, scarves and picnic rug. Check back on our online shop on 26th December to get first pick of the discounts and sign-up to our mailing list to be notified as soon as discounts go live.