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Wool Week The British Blanket Company

The British Blanket Company is a proud member of The Campaign for Wool,  supported by The Prince of Wales. Each year, Wool Week shines a spotlight on the wonders of wool as a beautiful, natural and sustainable fibre.

To join in the celebrations in 2019, we have a special discount offer for you, with £5 off any full-size throw or picnic rug from 7th - 20th October. 

Apply code "WOOLWEEK19" at the checkout to enjoy £5 off and free UK delivery.

For 2019, Wool Week centres on the environmentally-friendly properties of wool compared to synthetic, plastic-based fibres like acrylic, nylon and polyester. Every year a sheep produces a new fleece, making wool a natural, renewable material. As we all become increasingly aware of plastic microfibres choking the oceans and plastic waste lying for hundreds of years in landfill, wool offers a biodegradable alternative. 

A wool blanket is strong and durable, giving warmth and enjoyment for many years. At the end of its life, the wool yarn can be combed back into fibres and re-spun into recycled yarn for use again. If the item is damaged beyond recycling, wool can be returned to the soil where it decomposes, releasing valuable nitrogen-based nutrients into the ground.

Choosing wool for your clothing and home textiles is a simple way to live be both stylish and sustainable. So, check the labels and opt for more natural fibres where you can!

Mustard treetop throw blanket The British Blanket Company