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Get the Look: naturally elegant bedrooms
Decorating with duck egg blue blankets
In the world of interior design, duck egg blue stands as a timeless favourite. Learn how to decorate with duck egg blue and add shades of blue into your living room or bedroom colour scheme.
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Comfortcore: discover the cosiest interiors trend for 2023
Curious about what’s happening in home style for the year ahead? The next big interiors trend tipped for the top is Comfortcore and it sounds like a perfect fit for blanket lovers. It’s a laidback aesthetic, all about prioritising cosiness and making your home the most relaxing space it can be. This sounds very appealing during a dark and chilly January, but where did the trend spring from and what makes it so important for 2023? Join us for a deep dive into what’s behind the Comfortcore hygge hype and why you might want to embrace tactile style in your home this year. Read on to discover:
- What is the Comfortcore trend?
- How to get the Comfortcore look
- The cosiest blankets for your Comfortcore home